MTV and the United States of Entertainment

“We [MTV] don’t just shoot for 14-year-olds; we own them,” – Bob Pittman, founder of MTV

“When an opponent declares, ‘I will not come over to your side,’ I say calmly, ‘Your child belongs to us already. What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing but this new community’.” – Adolf Hitler

Watched the documentary this evening with the family called “Captivated”.

I said afterwards to my kids: “Let’s do a 30-day media fast?”

My kids said: “If you do it and lead by example, we will too.”

Won’t pass up this opportunity. See you in 30 days!

Gianna Jessen’s AMAZING story

Gianna Jessen sharing at an AIM Women's Center event near Steubenville.
Gianna Jessen sharing at an AIM Women’s Center event near Steubenville.


Listening to Gianna Jessen share her AMAZING story. I’ve heard a lot of preaching in my life and tonight was one of the best sermon/testimonies I’ve ever heard. The event wasn’t video recorded so below is a similar talk. Born alive in the middle of a saline abortion in their third trimester… makes one realize LIFE is beautiful!


“Chosen” 2013 Promo – Steubenville Conferences

You are invited to experience a love that has no limits, no end, no strings attached. Come join over 40,000+ teens at Steubenville Conferences as we discover the reality that nothing can separate us from this love.

Videographer: Keith Major
Video editor: Cory Heimann @Likable Art

St. John Chrysostom on the True Nature of Fasting

Eastern Rite Catholics began their 40-day Byzantine Advent/St. Philip/Nativity fast on November 15th. Blessed Pope John Paul II called on Western Catholics to learn more about the traditions of our Eastern Rite brethren, let’s do it by joining them (if you can) in this fast.

“Let us not speak, indeed of such a fast as most persons keep, but of real fasting; not mere abstinence from meats – but from sins, too. For the nature of a fast is such that it does not suffice to deliver those who practice it unless it be done according to a suitable law.

To the end, then, that when we have gone through the labor of fasting we forfeit not the crown of fasting, we should understand how, and after what manner it is necessary to conduct this business; since the Pharisee also fasted, but afterwards went down empty and destitute of the fruit of fasting. The Publican fasted not; and yet he was accepted in preference to him who had fasted.

Since, then, the danger of fasting is so great to those who do not know how they ought to fast, we should learn the laws of this exercise, in order that we may not `run uncertainly’ nor `beat the air’ nor while we are fighting contend with a shadow. Fasting is a medicine. It is necessary to know the time when it should be applied and the requisite quantity.

The honor of fasting consists not in abstinence from food, but in withdrawal from sinful practices. Do you fast? Give me proof of it by your works. What kind of works? If you see a poor man, take pity on him. If you see an enemy, be reconciled to him. If you see a friend gaining honor, envy him not.

For let not the mouth only fast, but also the eye, and the ear, and the foot, and the hands, and all members of the body. Let the hands fast from being pure from rapine and avarice. Let the feet fast by ceasing to run to unlawful spectacles. Let the eyes fast from such as is unlawful or forbidden. Let the ear fast, also. The fasting of the ear consists in refusing to listen to evil speech and calumnies. Let the mouth, too, fast from disgraceful speeches and railings.

Do you wish to correct a brother? Weep; pray to God; taking him aside, admonish, entreat, counsel him! Show your charity toward the sinner. Persuade him that it is from care and anxiety for his welfare, and not from a wish to expose him, that you put him in mind of his sin.

Take hold of his feet; embrace him; be not ashamed, if you truly desire to cure him. Speak evil of no one; hold no one for an enemy; expel from your mouth altogether the evil custom of swearing.

If we use these three precepts during the present Lent (the Nativity fast) and make them a good habit, we shall proceed easier to the end. We shall both reap the fruit of a favorable hope in the present life; and in the life to come we shall stand before Christ with great confidence and enjoy His unspeakable blessings, which God grant that we may be found worthy of, through the grace and love for mankind of Jesus Christ our Lord, with Whom be glory to the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.” – St. John Chrysostom

lenten fast w/ James Franke

James Franke told me an inspirational story of how he fasted in a way he had never done last Lent. Easter turned out to be a total surprise with God telling him, “James, this Easter is special because you made this Lent special…”

Consider fasting this Holy Week. God wants to woo your heart this season!

Pisanki – making Polish Easter eggs

Fourteen families, with 16 adults, and over 40 kids were learning how to make pisanki at our house today in two 2-hour shifts. The centuries-old art of Polish pisanki is a wax-resist method of decorating Easter eggs. The word comes from the verb “to write” –pisać (PEE sahtch) in Polish and pysaty in Ukrainian — as the designs are not painted on, but written with 100% pure beeswax. Every Eastern European country has its version. Eggs are a symbol of spring and rebirth around the world and they have become a symbol of Easter and the Resurrection.

Mother Dolores Hart visits Franciscan University

Here’s the audio MP3 of her talk on campus:

It is a story straight out of Hollywood. A beautiful young starlet walks away from a blossoming movie career to become a nun, and 50 years later she returns to the Academy Awards ceremony — as the subject of an Oscar-nominated film.

The real-life drama of Dolores Hart, known as Mother Prioress to the nuns here at the Abbey of Regina Laudis, unfolds in the HBO film “God Is the Bigger Elvis,” one of five nominees for best documentary (short subject). The 35-minute film examines Mother Dolores’ transformation from a Hollywood ingénue and the recipient of Elvis Presley’s first on-screen kiss to a cloistered Benedictine nun at the abbey, where for the past nine years she has been the prioress, the second in authority below the abbess, Mother David Serna. The rest of the story here:

Fasting Retreat


“Fasting begets prophets and strengthens strong men. Fasting makes lawgivers wise; it is the soul’s safeguard, the body’s trusted comrade, the armor of the champion, the training of the athlete.” — St. Basil, Bishop of Caesarea (AD 330–379). Here’s some practical fasting guidelines from my friends at the International House of Prayer.