Category: Life

Gianna Jessen’s AMAZING story

Gianna Jessen sharing at an AIM Women's Center event near Steubenville.
Gianna Jessen sharing at an AIM Women’s Center event near Steubenville.


Listening to Gianna Jessen share her AMAZING story. I’ve heard a lot of preaching in my life and tonight was one of the best sermon/testimonies I’ve ever heard. The event wasn’t video recorded so below is a similar talk. Born alive in the middle of a saline abortion in their third trimester… makes one realize LIFE is beautiful!


Pisanki – making Polish Easter eggs

Fourteen families, with 16 adults, and over 40 kids were learning how to make pisanki at our house today in two 2-hour shifts. The centuries-old art of Polish pisanki is a wax-resist method of decorating Easter eggs. The word comes from the verb “to write” –pisać (PEE sahtch) in Polish and pysaty in Ukrainian — as the designs are not painted on, but written with 100% pure beeswax. Every Eastern European country has its version. Eggs are a symbol of spring and rebirth around the world and they have become a symbol of Easter and the Resurrection.

Our NYC trip – the Statue of Liberty / Ellis Island

Comissioning as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion

Today was my first Mass as a commissioned Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion in the Diocese of Steubenville. My heart was truly humbled as I distributed the precious Eucharist for the first time.

With Fr. Ray Ryland and my son, Kevin, after my 1st Mass as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Certificate

Keith w/ Fr. Dennis Gang, TOR

Fr. Dennis Gang, a TOR Franciscan Friar, shares what fasting does for him as well as some the spiritual direction that he gives students and spiritual directees concerning fasting.